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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Back to Us by Wordrunner

Back to Us
By Wordrunner

Author's Original Description:  "And even though I know somewhere in his twisted heart he loved me as much as I still love him—maybe more, in some ways—I know I couldn't stand to live with him anymore. He was killing me, slowly and painfully, and I had to go."

Sandy's Review:  Ok, so, you guys know how much I love FanFiction.  Well, you must admit that we have had a mass exodus, by lots of truly talented authors, from Twilight Fandom since the creation, publication, and movie of Fifty Shades of Grey.  It seems that lots of our authors are pulling and publishing and deleting their profiles.  As an avid reader of fanfic, I must tell you, it's tough to find one I really love anymore.  I invite you to PLEASE send me the link in your comments of ANY fanfiction you are reading and loving, because I have flopped fandoms a little.

I will always be, to my core, and TwiHard.  And I love all things Twilight.  But to be fair, Fifty Shades of Grey seems to have a life of it's own.  Is it really fair to continue to call it a FanFiction?  Maybe it's strong enough to have fanfictions created about it.  And THAT is just what this is.

Back to Us is a gritty love story about Christian and Anastasia.

Anastasia has had enough, and she has taken her son, Christian's son, she never wants to see him again.  She will build a life without him, without his money, without his love, without his anger.  She wants to stand on her own two feet without the help of Christian Grey.  She has moved to London where she will live with Teddy and without interference.

With what you know bout Christian Grey, do you really think he would allow her to just leave?  Maybe he's done something she can't forgive.  MAYBE he's done something he won't forgive himself for.  He is embarrassed and sorry and HE WILL GET HER BACK!

This story will not turn your lose.  You follow Anastasia as she gets her own apartment, gets her own job, and raises her son alone.  She might even get her own boyfriend.

Christian is devastated, and lonely.  He can't believe she had enough nerve to leave him.  She can't believe she hasn't given up and come back to him.  He can't believe she doesn't think he knows where she is.  He can't believe she thinks she can just take his son away.  He will get his wife and his son back, and she will just have to let him.

This story is gut wrenching.  You are devastated and sad, right along with Anastasia.  But when he reaches out to her, you can't decide if you want her to go back or not.  His money and power doesn't impress you anymore when you know what he did.  You can't stop reading Back to Us until you find out, will she go back to the man who has done THIS to her, or will she make it on her own???

I highly recommend you give Fifty Shades of Grey fanfiction a chance and read Back to Us.  You will be sad, mad, confused, lonely, confident, independent, tentative, defiant, apologetic, but will you be happy?

If you have a TWCS Library account, you can find it here: Back To Us by Wordrunner

If you don't have a TWCS Library account, What are you waiting for???

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1 comment:

  1. I've had this on my TBR list for a while. Guess i need to move it up the list.
